Bakos Jarrett, Petra
Affiliation: Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Dissertationstitel: Borderlands-bodies: Narrating Eastern European Corporealities
Präsentationstitel: Borderlands, Wastelands
Becan, Elif
Affiliation: Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris
Dissertationstitel: The categorization of the outsiders and post-imperial citizenship in Turkey. The case of populations of Albanian origin (1920–1980)
Präsentationstitel: The post-imperial citizenship of muhacirs in contemporary Turkey
Delius, Anna
Affiliation: International Graduate School Human Rights Under Pressure, Free University Berlin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dissertationstitel: Human Rights in Times of Transition – The Concepts of Human Rights in Spain and Poland 1975–1993
Präsentationstitel: The Concepts of Human Rights in Spain and Poland 1975–1993
Dolghin, Dana
Affiliation: School for Heritage and Memory Studies, University of Amsterdam
Dissertationstitel: Negotiating transnationalism and memory culture in Romania (2004–2014)
Präsentationstitel: Constitutional patriotism and localizing memory
Fisher, Gaëlle
Affiliation: University of Augsburg
Dissertationstitel: Locating Germanness: Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War
Präsentationstitel: Bukovina in history and memory: lieu de memoire, lieu d'oubli, lieu de vie
Fotiadis, Ruža
Affiliation: Chair for South-East European History, Humboldt University Berlin
Dissertationstitel: Traditional Friends and Orthodox Brothers – The Making of the Greek-Serbian Friendship in the 1990s
Präsentationstitel: Common Borders and Contested Bulwarks – The Greek-Serbian Friendship in the 1990s
Frysztacka, Clara Maddalena
Affiliation: Research assistant at Lehrstuhl Europäische Zeitgeschichte seit 1945, University of Siegen
Dissertationstitel: Nationale Geschichte zwischen drei Imperien schreiben? Geschichtskultur(en) am Ende des langen 19. Jahrhunderts in der polnischsprachigen Presse der drei Teilungsgebiete
Präsentationstitel: Imaginating the nation beyond imperial borders
Goleşteanu, Raluca
Affiliation: Institute of History Tadeusz Manteuffel, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Dissertationstitel: Roads to Europe: Debates on Westernization and Modernization in Romania and in Habsburg Galicia, 1866–1914
Präsentationstitel: The Phantom-Borders at Work in Transylvania and Western Ukraine: a Representation of the Interaction between Historicism and Nostalgia
Guidi, Andreas
Affiliation: Chair for South-East European History, Humboldt University Berlin
Dissertationstitel: Generations in flux: Youth and the political transition from Ottoman to Italian rule in Rhodes, 1890–1940
Präsentationstitel: Patterns of Household, Marriage and Fertility from Late Ottoman to Italian rule in Rhodes. The emergence of a modern family?
Jovanović, Jelena
Affiliation: Research assistant at the Humanitarian Law Center, Belgrade
Masterarbeitstitel: Yugoslav crisis and the wars in the testimony of Lord David Owen before the ICTY
Präsentationstitel: Refugees and Memories of Borders in Western Balkan
Kaşlı, Zeynep Ülker
Affiliation: Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
Dissertationstitel: (Re)Bordering Territory and Citizenship along the Greek-Turkish borderland
Präsentationstitel: Encounters in the Security Field: From Militarizing to Policing the Borders
Keller, Lukas
Affiliation: International Graduate School Human Rights Under Pressure, Free University Berlin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dissertationstitel: Birth of the Security State. World War I and the German Home Front
Präsentationstitel: The Invincible Boundaries Within. Enemy Aliens in World War I Germany
Mihajlova, Elena
Affiliation: Assistant professor of International public law, Faculty of Law, Skopje
Dissertationstitel: Cultural Identity and Hate Crimes
Präsentationstitel: Maintaining the boundaries between the cultural groups
Nedyalkova Nedelcheva, Valentina
Affiliation: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Dissertationstitel: Border Identities in Bosilegrad and Dimitrovgrad (Republic of Serbia). Ethnological aspects
Präsentationstitel: Here and beyond - aspects of everyday reality on the Bulgarian-Serbian border
Radović, Srdjan
Affiliation: Research assistant at the Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
Dissertationstitel: City-Text and Identity Construction
Präsentationstitel: Symbolic Borders in South-East Europe – New/Old Politics of (Intra)Urban Division
Sardžoska, Nataša
Affiliation: University of Tübingen, University of Bergamo, University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle
Dissertationstitel: From shifting borders towards liminal boundaries: The nomadic capture of morphing contouring spaces in the artwork and lives of some expatriated former Yugoslavian artists and writers
Präsentationstitel: Misplacing the Charts: Disintegrating Post-Yugoslavian Cultural Boundaries and Dissolving Borders in the Migration Artwork of Tanja Ostojić
Säre, Margit
Affiliation: Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation, Project Euborderregions, Tartu
Präsentationstitel: Civil society and cross border cooperation in the Estonian-Russian border area
Siewior, Kinga
Affiliation: Department of Anthropology of Literature and Cultural Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Dissertationstitel: Literature of the Regained Territories (and its Continuations) towards the Migrant Experience and Politics of Memory in Post-War Poland
Präsentationstitel: Nation Unrooted. Social and Ideological Frameworks of the Western Borderlands Discourse and the Settlement Campaign in Post-Jaltan Poland
Stankovic, Snezana
Affiliation: Institut für Slawistik, Humboldt University of Berlin
Dissertationstitel: Funeral customs in multiethnic areas - German cemeteries in Vojvodina and its fate over the course of the 20th and the 21th century
Präsentationstitel: Pastness Written in Stone: Salonica Front
Tahir, Nuri Ali
Affiliation: Lecturer and Visiting Fellow at the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of Texas, Austin
Dissertationstitel: Minority Rights in Bulgaria and Greece and the Impact of European Integration
Präsentationstitel: Bulgarian-Greek Borderlands: Physical Borders versus Mental Boundaries
Usakiewicz, Krzysztof
Affiliation: Faculty Artes Liberales, Warsaw University
Dissertationstitel: Classical tradition in popular literature in the Balkans in the 18th and 19th centuries
Präsentationstitel: A popular literature as a determinant of the borderland
Zisis, Christos
Affiliation: Department of Folklore Studies/Cultural Anthropology, Museum Studies, University of Hamburg
Dissertationstitel: Visual and Material displays of Greek Migration Histor(ies) in Museums/Exhibitions. Towards collaborative museum work with immigration communities
Präsentationstitel: Visual and Material displays of Migration Histor(ies) in Museums/Exhibitions. Tresspassing the museological borders. (Case study: Greek Gastarbeiter and the New Greek Crisis migration in Germany)